Cool Downloadable Workbook w/ Progress Tracker

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Day 63 - A little R&R Today!

After the past two days of feeling sick with a stuffy nose, I woke up today with a full blown head cold. NOT WHAT I WANTED! But when you have a wife and kid that had the crude this week, I knew I was bound to get it. I carried a bottle of Purell around. HAHAHA.

Thankfully, today was Stretch or rest day. And we all know that "Rest Day" isn't even in our dictionary. Luckily, STRETCH X is in the dictionary.

Every time I think about what and how P90X is changing my life I get super pumped up.

For instance, stretching... One of the most important "things" to do that I NEVER did was stretching. Mainly because I was about as flexible as a steel beam.

I was -1 on my toe touch on day 1. Day 60 I'm +4 from a cold dead stretch.

NUFF SAID!!! The results and pictures speak for themselves.

I'll be back tomorrow pushing play. (Hopefully, with a head cold)


ace said...

WOW!!! Just saw your week 60 photo's. I'm sure Tony will be contacting you for the next set of videos. As for the head cold remember to drink plenty of water/fluids and rest as much as possible. Keep on keepin' on!

Anthony said...

I just found your page after reading through Brian Dillon's page. Too bad he quit. But after seeing your results, WOW, what motivation for others. Thanks for your hard work. I guess you're still sick. I hope you recover quickly & jump back in. I'm in week 3 myself & I plan to use you & your page as a model to get through these 90 days. I hope a can "Bring It" as strong as you did. Thank you. BRING IT!

Anthony said...

Just came across your page after reading through Brian Dillon's page. Too bad he quit, but when I saw your results, Wow, what motivation for others. Thanks for your hard work. I guess you're still sick. Hope you recover quickly. Please give us an update as soon as you can. I'm in week 3 myself. I will be using you & your page as a model to get through these 90 days, hopefully as strong as you did. Thanks. BRING IT!