YES!! IT's pullup day today.. Oh yeah, I have legs too :)
Today, I really wasn't as pumped on doing the workout. It's Friday, it's been a really long week, work has been hectic as every... blah...blah...blah... I just wanted to come home, have a nice dinner and have alittle R&R for the rest of the day. I was actually trying to talk myself outta doing Legs & Back today. Giving every excuse under the sun about slacking off today for God Only Knows type of reasons. So I had to take a step back and take some of my own advice I've been giving out.
I was already home, my son was asleep, wife busy doing "girl stuff" on the computer, and I had the living room all to myself. So I made myself a deal. Push play for 10 minutes and re-evaluate after that.
Well, after an hour and twenty minutes later (the ENTIRE Legs&back and Ab Ripper X) I was feeling pretty good about myself. I was so glad that I pushed play. After the 10 minutes, I was already in the groove, my heart rate was up and I already had done a few pullups. So there was NO WAY I was going to push STOP.
I knew after the first exercise of Reverse Grip Chin-ups that I wasn't going to stop, NO WAY, NO HOW. You want to know why? Because I busted out 12 chin-ups. NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!
Man, I was pumped. I just did more reps today that I've ever done. I was excited, I even ran into the office where my wife was and had to tell her what I just did. While she thought I turned crazy, jumping up and down about doing chinups, I was ecstatic. I even did more of the much hated: Squat Jump Switch Pickups.
On all the leg exercises that called for weights, I used 15#.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
My P90X Workout Numbers
Cool Downloadable Workbook w/ Progress Tracker
Friday, November 30, 2007
Day 68 - Legs
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Day 67 - Yoga saved me $1320
Another great Yoga Workout done!
Today is going to short entry day because Yoga for me hasn't changed.
However, I would like to comment that I'm very excited about my flexiblity increasing since I started just 2 months ago. But what I'm most happy about is how it has helped me more than in my flexibilty.
If you look at my Back view Week 1 photos, you'll notice that I'm "off-balance". If you look close, you'll notice that my whole right side looks higher than my left. I think it is due to the past years of having to sit infront of a computer screen.
Prior to P90X, I would wake up with stiff necks, lower back pains, and stiff upper back. I've gone to chiropractors who want me to come 3x a week for at least 3 months to help fix my body to go back to "normal'. These hour long sessions are $40. If you do the math, that's $120/week -> $480/month -> $1440/complete.
While I didn't have the $$$ to do this, and insurance wouldn't pay for it since it wasn't work/medical related. I decided to go for about a month. Well, after a month of this chiropractoring and $480 later. I did not feel or see any results. I still was waking up with stiff necks, lower back pains, and stiff upper back. Plus, that's $480 being taken away from being used towards bills and family. I decided to discontinue.
Well, after just one month of P90X, and looking at my Day 1/30 comparison photos there is are huge "SEE-ABLE", "FEEL-ABLE" results.
1. A HUGE difference can be seen in my alignment of my hips/shoulders/spine.
2. I've stopped having upper/lower back problems.
3. I'm not waking up with any type of stiffness.
4. My posture has improved significantly
5. My shoulders and hips are parallel with the floor now.
These results came within the same time frame that a month of going to the chiropractors couldn't do. Plus, w/ P90X at $120, that's only $40/month rather than $40/hour.
P90X not only has improved my body's skeletal support structure it's also saved me $1320!!!!!!!!
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Day 66 - It's good to be BACK (& Biceps)
It's great to be back in the swing of things.
Coming back full-bore after being on the sick bed for a week is TOUGH. Coming back full-bore doing P90X ... You gotta have Big Cahonies!!!
Chest, Shoulders, and Tri's left half of my upper body still feeling blasted from the workout. Now it was time to get the other side. And, today I got to work on my "now" most favorite exercises: PULL-UPS!
Week 7 I had had to take P90X on the road, so all my "weights" were with the GREEN band (and we all know how much I dislike using the bands because I like NUMBERS!!) I wanna know what I'm pulling/pushing, not a color. But either way, I used my reps from week 7 with the weight #'s of week 6 and added 5 lbs. I know I'm getting strong because I was able to hang with the +5lbs.
I've noticed something about P90X and myself. I definitely like the workouts (A.K.A. THIS ONE!) is that there is NO REPEATS! Every exercise I give it my all, go to or near to failure on each and once I'm done.. I'm DONE! I can go all out on that exercise and get it out of my mind and move on to the next exercise with the thought of : "Crap, I gotta go back and do it all again." Don't get me wrong, I still get pumped on all the other workouts, but I think it's just a mental thing for me.
Another reason why I like this workout is that I'm still doing more pullups than I EVER have before in my entire life. If you look back on my Fit Test Day 1, I struggled to barely pull out 3 wide pullups. Now I'm hitting 8-9 consistently since the starting of phase III. I don't know what happened, but it just hit midway through phase II.
I believe it's due to the fact that I stopped using the chair during all my workouts as a crutch. It makes sense. At the start of P90X, I used the chair on ALL my pullups. I didn't even try to do any by myself, and that started me into the habit of always using the chair and never pushing myself to do them by myself. After I started to work out at my work's gym since I wanted to start the Doubles program and working out at the gym during my lunch time freed up time at home to pull out Cardio X. While working out at the gym, there were guys doing pullups like they were second nature. They'd do 8-10+ at a time. Me...HA, I still used a chair as a crutch. But how "cool" (or whatever you wanna call it) to see someone doing pullups with a chair?
So I made a mental change. At the start of each and every pullup exercise, I will do as many pullups on my own as I can, then after giving everything to pull myself up, I'll have the chair there ready for me to use to bust out the remaining. And that's how it all started. At first it was 4, then it was 5, then 6, then 7, now I do at least 6-7 on my own before I even start to get fatigued enough to pull out the chair. My main goal is to bust out 15. I don't know why, it's just a number that strikes me as a milestone.
Being that I only have two weeks left until my first round of P90X is complete, I still have a long ways to go, but we'll see when I do the fit test on Day 91.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Day 65 - The "Mother" Returns
This is the one workout that NEVER gets any easier. I don't know if it's that I just got off the sick bed and layed low for 5 days or that my endurance is still that much outta shape. (I hopin it's the sick part haha) While this time my heart rate stayed around the range it usually should 165-175 bpm, unlike the 190-200 bpm last week, and I was able to complete the entire workout, I was still sucking air pretty hard.
It seems that this workout has gotten harder for me since phase II. I remember in phase I, I was hoping not to throw up. Phase II, I was Plyo King and Domonique had nothin on me, what ever he jumped -->I jumped. Now in Phase III, I' somewhere in between.
After talking to some of my friends who are avid runners, tri-athletes, and other that are WAY MORE knowledgeable about about stamina/cardio, they told me it's all about the breathing and how it is one of the most important things to focus on during working out (in addition to form).
There have been times where I put more of my focus on the doing the moves, jumping higher, etc... instead of focusing on keeping my breathing controlled and steady. Which in turn makes me HAVE to (not want to) stop early not because I'm pushing myself to hard, it's because I've spent all my energy huffin and puffin to the point where I feel I can get air in fast enough.
The work of breathing is increased during exercise and requires up to 15% of the total energy spent in high intensity exercise. The harder the respiratory muscles work, the less blood flows through the legs. This means that the respiratory muscles take blood instead of it being sent to the arms and legs. Therefore, anything that lessens the respiratory muscle workload means more blood (which contains oxygen, sugar for the muscles and gets rid of lactate and carbon dioxide) can flow to the legs and arms during intense exercise.
The respiratory muscles are subject to fatigue just like other muscles in the body and this fatigue can reduce blood flow to the peripheral muscles(i.e. arms & legs).
The impact of this on the athlete is the impact on the ability to inhale adequately. The athlete may perceive breathing is very difficult causing them to work even harder to breathe and thus causing problems related to the work of breathing.
So basically, the more I focus and control my breathing, the more "energy" is given to my body to perform the tasks. Interesting, Something so trivial to think about becomes something so important to remember. Who would have thought?!?!
I would like to comment that the Glucomsamine that I've been taking has (at least in my mind) helped out with my knees. They don't snap, crackle, pop as much. I can do more of those side to side ski twist hops without my knees tingling or starting to hurt. I can also tell in my wrists and hands, they don't pop as much either.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play
Monday, November 26, 2007
Day 64 - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's---Oh My!
Well, I'd like to first say that I'm back to my old self again. Old self in way of pre-cold. I was actually looking forward today to Chest, Shoulders, & Tri's. This is one of my favorite workouts.
As I said in the past post, last week "didn't happen." Nope, Nada, No Way. I went 9 straight weeks without any major hitches to working out. I was staying focused and pushed play practically everyday. Since Phase II, I've almost been pressing play 2x a day. However, with me being sick last week and the thanksgiving holidays where I'd be traveling to visit family, friends, and the in-laws. I decided to let my body get back in better health before going back to X-treme workouts. So once again, last week of me not working out didn't happen. I'm picking up right where I left off. Week 10
And today marks the beginning of Week 10. After being off for acouple of days being sick, I knew that I wasn't going to come in today and throw up some awesome rep/weight numbers. With my worksheets in tow, I was off to workout during my lunch break.
Today's workout was pretty good. I took a little longer than my usual hour workout, but I went at a consistent pace to get the burn on the last three and transition to the next exercise with just enough down time to make the workout flow.
I tried to stay as intense as I could during this workout. While I didn't feel like I was back at day 1, it felt more like day 30. I had a number in my head (usually the number that I pushed the last week in Phase II) and aimed for that. I was going to hit that number no matter what. If it was 30, then I did 30, if it was 10, then I did 10. Sure, sometimes I took alittle intermittent pause at rep 15 & 25, but I got it done. I didn't quit. I gave it my best effort with my best form.
And as Tony says: Do your best... And forget the rest.
I can't believe I'm in week 10 already. At first, the weeks seems so long, then gradually phase II seemed to be here and gone. Now, each week feels more like a day they're so fast. Only 2 more weeks left (not counting this week) till my P90X journey is over.
However, even though this chapter of P90X will close, this is in no way means the book is finished. This is just the beginning, just round #1. With the way P90X is set up with the different ways to modify, to intensify, there is no way to burn out on P90X. P90X could be done several times over and it never get old. In addition, from what I've been reading and hearing, beachbody is coming out with P90X+. 5 new dvd's (supposedly out at/around Christmas) that take the already insane P90X to a whole new turbo charged level. With P90X and the addition/mixing of P90X+. You'll never get bored, never be under-challenged, and probably never have to step into a gym again.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy "Cold" Thanksgiving!!!
For a little over a week, I've been battling a pretty nasty cold. Coupled with a recent trip my took to see my in-laws (who ALSO happened to be sick), suffice it to say that I've been feeling like crap lately.
However, playing it X-Style, I tried to continue out my training regimen.
Last Monday I attempted Chest,Shoulders,& Triceps. Let me tell you that it DID NOT go well. My body felt like it had been put through a cement mixer with concrete bricks. Coupled w/ the head pressure and running nose, I had absolutely 0% energy. My rep/weight numbers were really low that day. Tuesday (Plyometrics) was a complete disaster. Didn't get 15-20 minutes into the workout and I had to quit. I thought my heart was going to burst it was beating so fast. My heart rate monitor said I was around 195-200. HOLY COW!!! Usually on a good plyo day it stays around 175-180. I finally stopped shortly after seeing that and asked myself, "Wait...Is it even safe to be working out while you're sick?"
Who doesn't catch a little cold right in the middle of the week when your workouts were going so great? There's been many times that my workouts were 100% the best I've ever had and right when I was on top of my game - I caught some cold bug and it frustrated me to no end!
Common sense tells me that the body should fully recover before engaging in an intense workout, but is a light day or a less intense cardio day okay?
On one hand you don't want to break progress by waiting too long between workouts, yet on the other hand, you don't want to remain sick because the body will have to allocate nutrition in building muscle tissue as opposed to building an immune response."
Well after some research and getting some advice from one of my friends ACE, who is an amazing Triathelete, This is what I've come up with:
The rule is: If your chest is congested, you have a fever, chills, dehydrated, or any other cold ailment from the neck down, DO NOT WORKOUT. Chest congestion and any type of exercise do not mix well. Aerobic or anaerobic activity can overwork your heart and can cause your chest cold to develop into a bronchitis or pneumonia. Lifting weights can naturally increase blood pressure. Combined with over working your heart, you can really cause damage if not careful when exercising while ill.
However, if you have a head cold with minor sinus pain, sniffles, sneezing, etc., it is fine to workout as long as you have a normal energy level and are not feeling sluggish. Be careful not to overdo your activity with high-intensity workouts. You need to drop your intensity level a bit because your body is using energy to fight whatever is that's making you feel ill. Keep hydrated by drinking 3-4 quarts of water a day and eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. This will enable your body to fight off the “bug” causing your symptoms.
There is no evidence that you can “run off” or “sweat out” a cold. Studies have proven that you cannot decrease the duration of the cold or flu symptoms by exercising. In fact, if you workout too hard, you can actually get more sick.
So, being that it was the Thanksgiving holidays, and my family is/was going back to see the in-laws, I decided to take the rest of the week to let my body get back to 100%.
Being that I would only miss 4 actual days of workouts, I will just start back up next week as if this week never happened. I'll be able to come back to the workouts at 100% and give it 110%. While I'm a little disappointed and annoyed that I will have to break up my 90 day straight workout, I think it's in my best interest to get well.
I'll be back NEXT WEEK pushing play.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Day 63 - A little R&R Today!
After the past two days of feeling sick with a stuffy nose, I woke up today with a full blown head cold. NOT WHAT I WANTED! But when you have a wife and kid that had the crude this week, I knew I was bound to get it. I carried a bottle of Purell around. HAHAHA.
Thankfully, today was Stretch or rest day. And we all know that "Rest Day" isn't even in our dictionary. Luckily, STRETCH X is in the dictionary.
Every time I think about what and how P90X is changing my life I get super pumped up.
For instance, stretching... One of the most important "things" to do that I NEVER did was stretching. Mainly because I was about as flexible as a steel beam.
I was -1 on my toe touch on day 1. Day 60 I'm +4 from a cold dead stretch.
NUFF SAID!!! The results and pictures speak for themselves.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play. (Hopefully, with a head cold)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Day 62 - Kenpo X
Come on everyone, you know the song!! Kenpo X and I met again today. I had my hand weights, my rising sun head bandana (Mr. Miagi gave it to me), along with Tony and the Kids.
Not much on today's workout. Just like the rest. A kick-butt, sweat pumping, ninja kicking, karate punching good time.
I have to admit that I DID NOT want to workout today. I have 0% energy, 0% focus, 0% mind set yesterday and today when doing my workouts. I guess I'm getting into that holiday slump. Don't get me wrong, I'm seeing GREAT results, I have a great support team on MDB P90X Forum, but I've been feeling alittle stuffy in the head, and with long days at work it doesn't help.
SO... after talking it over w/ my friends on Texas P90X Warriors Forum in MDB, I've come up with 8 ways to keep you on target. If I've forgotten any, please give me a shout and I'll add them
1. Put your money where your muscle is.
A trainer still charges if you cancel without notice. Treat yourself the same way. Pay your wife, husband, or friend $5 if you miss a scheduled workout. Or take the opposite tack: Pay yourself for every session you make. Put the money in a fund for a set of some nice SelectTech Dumbbells.
2. Set a 10-minute rule.
Make a deal with yourself that even when you're dog tired, you'll push play for 10 minutes on your scheduled days. If after that ten minutes, your "bonking" stop. But if your like me, once your started, and already sweating, you might as well finish.
3. Track the benefits.
Keep a job-performance journal on the days you exercise and the days you don't. You'll find that you do more on the days you exercise, despite taking time out for your workout. Keep track of your weights and reps. You never know where you going, if you don't know where you've been. That's why I put together my Interactive P90X Workout Spreadsheet
4. Schedule your training.
Make appointments for exercise as you do for meetings. WOWY (Working out with You) has been an excellent tool for me to workout and keep a schedule. Also, you can work out with people from around the world. Having a workout buddy makes you credible to your workouts.
5. Cross off your workouts.
Mark an X on your calendar on the days you exercise. Researchers found that those who used this simple system of tracking workouts made more progress than those who didn't. Which is a perk added to the Interactive workout Spreadsheet
6. Ask your wife to join you.
You'll follow an exercise program better if you work out with your spouse. Nearly half of men who exercise alone quit their programs after 1 year, but two-thirds of those who exercise with their partners stick it out. Or so they say.
7. Set specific goals.
Research shows that people who set goals that are too general ("I want to get in shape") typically don't achieve them. Make specific, challenging, yet realistic goals. And set a deadline. WOWY allows you to set weekly/monthly goals which you see every time you log in.
8. Switch it up.
This is where P90X shines brighter than the sun. It's all about change. There is always something new. With the muscle confusion schedule that P90X has, there is never a dull moment. Even the moves themselves can be "modified" to increase/decrease the intensity per your fitness level.
Hopefully, I've gotten them all.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play
Friday, November 16, 2007
Day 61 - These Legs were made for walking!
Before I get to the workout I'd like to say that I've lost my Day 1 photos. I can't find them anywhere on my computer. The crummy part is that the only place where I know there is a copy is the photo album that I created using HOWEVER, once you upload them that's it. You can't download them to back to the computer. EVEN IF THEY'RE YOURS!! So I'm looking for another photoalbum site.
So long story short, there won't me any Day 60/30/1 comparison photos because I can't find my day 1. I might throw up Day 60/30 comparison photos. Man, am I bummed.
Ok, now for the workout.
I'm starting to like my back days more and more. Ever since I busted out 7 pull ups and then 9 pullups during my fit test, I want to get my back muscles to where I can do just as many pullups as I can dumbbell curls. I don't know what happened but I'm liking working out my back more and more.
I used (again) 15# dumbbells during my leg exercises to intensify my legs. All-in-all another great workout at the gym at work. I have cardio later on tonight.
Keeping you up on my nutrition so far:
I've been keeping true to P90X meal plan during phase I & II. I've also become a MDB/WOWY member (million dollar body / Work out with You) and they give you access to a personalize meal plan that changes EVERY WEEK, unlike every month with the P90X provided nutritional book. I put in that I was doing P90X, when I started, my goals (weight loss/gain, etc) and a personalized meal plan was created for me. Giving me breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 snacks EVERY DAY!!!
It also gives you 3 printable weekly grocery lists. Which is great! I can go to the store and buy for for 1, 2, or 3 weeks. Since my job is on a bi-weekly payment schdule, I can portion out my $$$ and food every two weeks, so I don't buy too much or too little
Another plus is that WOWY/MBD meal plan gives you the opportunity/choice of going even more personalized by allowing you to pick and choose the foods you want to eat (A.K.A. Tier I&II of Michi's Ladder) and it will create a schedule for you. Can you say AWESOME!!!!
So for Phase III, I am going to use the personalized meal plan that MDB made for me. The ONLY reason why I'm switching is that the meals are easier to prepare (especially since Phase III for me falls right in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, there is alot of traveling) and it switches EVERY WEEK! The meal plan is still proportioned out via P90X specs.
I've been using the meal plan for about a week now and it's a nice change. I'm still going to add in old Phase I & II favorites.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Day 60 - Yoga and Progress Report
Well today is the DAY. Today was JAM PACKED with P90X. I had to do:
1) Yoga X -- Have to stay on schedule
2) Fit Test -- See where I'm at on Day 60
Let's go down the list and see how today went.
First off is Yoga. So far, this workout has gone from being rough and tough and almost impossible to go through without having to take a break from all the sweating your doing, or crying out in pain from the positions you have to put yourself through to a workout that is almost that "ZEN-like" state.
I've gone against the grain and instead of listening to the P90X music, I've been using the music off selection and put in a meditative CD of mine. I turn up the volume to where the sound fills the room (without being obtrusively loud). So I just have to hear the queues on when to change. If anything comes out of this workout it's that I'm calm, collected, and more approachable after Yoga. The little things don't bother me as much after Yoga. The cry son, the barking dog, the bills in the mail, the mess I have to clean up after son spills something. It just doesn't bother me as much. But of course, that "zen" state can only last for so long ;). HAHA.
I know that they say you do the fit test after Day 90 in the program, but just like the photos and seeing your progress, it's also nice to visually/graphically see your progress in numbers as well. That's why I've decided to do the fit test on day 60 and day 90. I've incorporated a simple graph system for each of the steps in the Fit test in my Interactive P90X Workout Spreadsheet.
While I did surpass all my Day 1 numbers, it was my pull ups that completely shocked me. While on day 1, I was fighting/kipping/struggling to bump barely 3 pullups (it wasn't a pretty site) I am so proud of myself for getting 7 (really 7.5 but it wasn't a full 8, so I round down) pullups. Here are the numbers:
Day 1: | Day 60 | |
1: Resting Heart Rate | 65 | 60 |
2. Pull Ups | 3 | 7 |
3. Vertical Leap | 20 | 25 |
4. Pushups | 30 | 47 |
5. Toe Touch | -1 | +4 |
6. Bicep Curl w 20# | 19 | 30 |
7. In & Outs | 55 | 90 |
8. Heart Rate Maximizer | ||
Immedite | 179 | 172 |
1 Min Rest | 146 | 135 |
2 Min Rest | 130 | 117 |
3 Min Rest | 126 | 111 |
4 Min Rest | 108 | 108 |
Now it's come down to taking photos. Can it get better than this? Working out solid for 60 straight days. Through all the ups and downs, I have something to show for it. Oh in this case, something I don't have: My dwindling stomach fat. Hopefully with the extra cardio that I'm doing in Phase III, my 90-day pictures will be amazing.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Day 59 - Armageddon III
So far... So Good with Phase III. I'm really excited about having Chest&Back and Shoulders&Arms this week. I like chest and back because it uses every pushup under the sun so the workout can be less free weight intensive. I loved seeing that I did X amount of weight in Phase I and now I'm doing X + 10#, 15#, etc. And today was just that sort of day.
I used the weights and reps that I did in Week 3 (Phase I) and added 5#. So if I curled 25#'s in Phase I, then I picked up the 30#. I thought it was a good way to see where I was at in terms of strength increase, and if 5# increase was too little, then since this workout repeats itself, I was able to go up (or down) another 5#.
I did put a limit of no more than 10#, because the point of my journey (this round) of P90X is to shred some fat and get my muscle tone back. I have the mass, I just need the definition, and with me doing 12-15 reps on each move, putting a weight increase limit on myself would help from blowing my arms out and be out with an injury for the rest of the Phase.
If you've been keeping up with the posts on my blog, you'll remember that I have an old left rotator cuff injury and that a month or so ago, I re-subluxated it. Well, I've added rotator cuff excersices (i.e. Scarecrows both vertical and lateral) to my each and every arm/shoulder workout. This will help build up my shoulder muscles and strengthen my rotator cuff muscles.
I can't wait to see what my 60 day progress photos look like compared to day 30 and day 1. Since tomorrow is Day 60, I am going to revisit the fit test and see "the progress". On the Interactive P90X Workout Spreadsheet that I have, I added a progress tracker that is similiar to the one on the MDB/Beachbody website. This will be a great way for me to SEE my progress not only in pictures but in a graphical way.
Countdown till Progress Reports (& Pics): 1 DAY
In the past few posts, I've been contemplating on wether or not to continue the "Doubles Routine" for Phase III. I really enjoy working out with the videos at night, but with the weight room at work, it poses a perfect opportunity for me to use a wide assortment of free weights, benches, mirrors, etc. Plus, it frees up time for me at the end of the day to throw in Cardio. It's a win-win situation. In addition, since this journey is all about complete and total transformation, AND I still have this "tire" around my waist, there is NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO CONTINUE CARDIO!
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Day 58 - Plyoland
If there is one workout that I've gone from loving to "not" loving is PLYO!!!
ESPECIALLY when doing plyo right after a recovery week. It's 2x as tough.
I thought by Phase III that I would have become Mr. Plyo by now. Jumping circles around Tony and the Kids. HAHAHAHAHA!! Ah, man how that is completely the opposite of what I did today.
I don't know if it's because I came off of a recovery week or what, but today's plyo kicked my butt. (Which is awesome!!!) I'm glad that I'm not at the point to where I'm breezing through the workout. I hope that I NEVER get to that point to where plyo is "easy" for me.
I did manage to push through each exercises till the buzzer rang 0:00, powering and paining through my least favorite moves like "squat jump switch pickups" and "hot foot". However, there where a few times where I wanted to cut my jumps short, quit while there is still 5 or so seconds on the board. Then I thought to myself:
Who are you cheating? Tony doesn't care, the kids don't care. They all have the bodies that they want. Your only hurting yourself by not pushing through. You've come THIS far. You have 60 Day Photos coming up. Why "quit" now. Get your flabby butt back out there and JUMP!!
I think this workout is my "Love to Hate" workout. While I don't look forward to pushing play on this day, afterwards I'm glad that I did.
Today, I think that even though I found Plyo "tough", my endurance has increased. I was able to continue through the burn, and move from one exercise to the next with shorter breaks. I've been using the P90X Recovery Drink from the very beginning, I took a little bit before the workout and had a small amount in my water bottle during the workout. Then, finished off the rest of the recovery drink afterwards. I truly think this played a part in me having more "energy" to power through.
Countdown till Progress Reports (& Pics): 2 DAYS
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Day 57 - Chest & Back Reunion
In addition, it's also a reunion with my old Phase I favorite Chest & Back. One thing I love about this workout is that I get a great workout in my chest. Before "in the old days", I do chest workouts, but afterwards I'd feel it more in my biceps and triceps than I did in my pecs. NOT THIS WORKOUT!!! This programs uses the best pushups combination to hit every angle in my chest and targeted to where I definitely feel it the next day. And I KNOW I'll feel it tomorrow after the workout I just had.
Another great about this workout is that you use your own body weight 95% of the time. Only 3 exercises do you use free weights. I was in the gym, huffin and puffin and sweatin using only a 6ft x 6ft area and my own body weight. Of course there were other guys in the gym on the bench press, leg squat machine, etc.. looking at me doing my pushups and pull ups.
But I kid you not, my arm, shoulder, and chest muscles were popping and looking ripped just as much (probably more) than theirs. Funny thing is that I noticed two guys, look over at me after I got done doing Hindu pushups, then look at their arms in the mirror, then back at me and give one of those appreciative head nods of acknowledgement. One of them even came over asking what program I'm on. I told him PHASE III of P90X!!
The response I got back:
"WOW! I've seen that infomercial for it, but I thought it was bull. After seeing what you have to do, I'm convinced it's not."
However, something happened today that made it all worth it. All the pain that Tony has put me through, pushing play every single night, changing my nutritional intake COMPLETELY, putting up with the great tasting recovery drink, keeping track of my weights, signing in every workout in WOWY, this list could go on and on and on......
Countdown till Progress Reports (& Pics): 3 DAYS
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Day 56 - Recovery Stretch/Cardio
Once again, today is SUPPOSE to be a day of rest. However, if you know be by now, you'll know that IS NOT an option for me. So away we go for some cardio and stretching.
I'm really enjoying my Doubles program this phase. I haven't taken any measurements, but I KNOW that I've lost some body fat %. I've had to go buy a new pair of pants, my abs are now showing through (well, they're at least peeking through), I can see the ripples in my shoulders and arms when I move things around.
YES! YES! I confess, I walk around w/ my shirt off alot more than I use too. Ok, you got me. I had to break out the sleeveless shirts again!! I'm man enough to say it!
I did cardio early in the morning so that I could get that outta the way before Church. Even though this week has been a recovery week, I've added cardio in on the days where I don't have any cardio-like workouts. (Ex. Yoga & X Stretch) Core and Kenpo get my heart pumping to that fat-burning range without any help.
Stretch was really nice to end the week. Get my body all limber and flexible so that tomorrow I can hit it hard and run full bore for the last and final Phase. I'm also ready to start a new meal Plan as well. Phase III menu has some tasty looking recipes, (I think they should put more pictures in the book. EVERYONE likes to see what the recipes look like).
Countdown till Progress Reports (& Pics): 4 DAYS
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Day 55 - Recovery Yoga
Once again, if you don't have a Yoga Block, I highly recommend buying/borrowing/making one. This really saved me today. I was able to get a nice stretch, and use the different heights of the block to support me so that I didn't have to "hang" there.
My left rotator cuff still gives me problems when I do my left hand high in the air. So modifying for me, I just put my hand on my waist and point my elbow as high as I can.
One of my friends even used a 5lb bag of sugar once because they didn't have a yoga block and needed something ASAP. Another friend used a small, but thick, hardback book. So you see, there are lots of items around the house that one could use to get the job done.
Wow! Has it been 8 weeks of 13 ALREADY!?!? I feel like I'm an oldie now. I'm about to start the Final and Last of the phases: Phase III.It's almost like that senior in high school feeling when you know that your going to graduate and move on to bigger and better things, but you have to leave your friends behind. Well, I'm not really leaving anyone, but you guys get the idea.I'm excited about this phase because it changes every week!!! WOO HOOO!!!!My wife made be go buy some new pants the other day because she was tired of me wearing pants 2 sizes to big.I'm going to be posting my week 8 photos tomorrow and Day 60 photos are coming up on Thursday.I truly don't think I would have gone this hard, this long and stay this focused if it wasn't for:1) Me keeping this blog of my progress2) Keeping/Posting all my workout weight/reps and Photos3) All of you checking in on me
Countdown till Progress Reports (& Pics): 5 DAYS
Friday, November 9, 2007
Day 54 - Core Syn
Core two times in a week. WOW! When P90X says this will be a recovery week, they were totally kidding. The only thing related to recovery is the P90X Recovery Drink that I have after these butt-kicking workouts.
Once again focusing on keeping my core "engaged" this was a great workout. I tell that I'm losing body fat and gaining muscle definition because my abs finally are starting to show through... WITHOUT ME HAVING TO FLEX!!!! hahaha. I've gotten a 2.5 pack now, all I need now is the other 5.5.
My favorite exercise that I love to hate is the Prison Cell Pushups. I don't know why, they just are.
Short and sweet entry today.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Day 53 - Day of Stretch
So far this recovery week has been great. It couldn't have come at a better time with this week having longer hours at work.
Today, my wife got tired of seeing me wear all my "before" pants around. These pants "DID" fit me two months ago, now they're 2 sizes too big. TWO SIZES TOO BIG!!! Aaaah, that feels good to say. All this hard work is paying off.
So she treated me to getting a new pair of slacks for work. I WAS a 36", now I fit comfortably in 34"s. I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!
I'm seeing great results from these past 50ish days. I can't wait to take/post up my week 8 photos and shortly there after, I think by 4 days, I'll be posting my 60 Day Comparison Pictures.
I do have to admit, while my chest, arms, back and leg muscles are starting to show through, I'm still having the hardest time with this tire of mine. It's turn from snow tire, to truck tire, to car tire, now it's a spare tire. While it is decreasing, it's still a tire non-the-less. It seems that this is the hardest place for us men to get rid of stored fat. AAAAARG!!
Oh, well, I'm doing my best and forgetting the rest. It'll come off in time. Plus, when I compare what I look like now to what I looked like on Day 1...... WOW!!! It's almost night and day. So that's encouraging.
I noticed in X Stretch today that I'm getting farther and farther down in my stretches. I think because my stomach isn't getting in the way anymore. (joke)
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Day 52 - Recovery Kenpo
Kenpo Today was like Kenpo any other day.
So far so good with kenpo. I'm still using my hand weights, still keeping at a slightly faster pace than Tony and the kids, and still coming out completely drenched and worked out.
I've commented in the past about my knees popping and cracklin (due to my old age of 28 yrs-haha). I've always heard of that adding Glucosamine in a person's daily vitamin supplement could help in the formation and repair of cartilage and other body tissues.
Being that I am, as well as everyone else using P90X, do alot of kicking and do high impact moves in Plyo, Cardio, and Kenpo. I thought I'd do some research on Glucosamine and share it:
Glucosamine is an aminopolysaccharide (a combination of an amino acid - glutamine and a sugar - glucose). Glucosamine is concentrated in joint cartilage where it is incorporated in longer chains known as glycosaminoglycans and finally into very large structures known as proteoglycans. The proteoglycans function to attract water into the joint space for lubrication of the cartilage during movement.
Glucosamine is a dietary supplement that lacks the damaging side effects and long term toxicity of COX-2 inhibitors or NSAIDS such as ibuprofen or aspirin
Reverses osteoarthritis
Protects joints and tendons from injury
Decreases inflammation
The principle behind glucosamine supplementation is that the glucosamine is delivered to the joint space and incorporated into proteoglycans of joint cartilage to maintain structure and repair damage. Glucosamine may also stimulate chondrocytes (cartilage cells) to begin producing healthy new cartilage matrix (both collagen and proteoglycans). Usual Dosage 1500 mg.
I think that if it can't hurt you and if the only thing that it can do IS help you, especially if it helps reduce arthritis and joint deterioration. WHY NOT TAKE IT?!?! I'm going to pick me up a bottle from the Natural Health Food Store on the way home from work today.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Day 51 - Hard to the CORE
That's what I feel like after finishing this workout.
Today's CORE I tried to focus on keeping my core engaged throughout the entire workout. Last recovery week I would have my core muscles engaged at the start, then after awhile when I'm getting alitte tired, I find myself just going through the motions without my core engaged. This time since I've been through the workout 2x and needing only Tony's queues on what move to do,
I was able to focus more on my core than:
1)What moves comes next
2)What does this move look like
Yes, it's easier to do the moves without having your core muscle tight and YES, it takes focus to keep them that way since ever move doesn't make the Automatically kick in like when your doing Super-Banana Man. But, No Pain-No Gain. And what is the #1 Lady Killer???? Nope, not arms. You could have arms like Mr. Arnold himself, but it's the chest, stomach, back and botty collectively that women love. (Or at least that's what I'm told ;) )
With keeping/focusing on my core muscles being "flexed" or "engaged". This workout was 2x as tough. I didn't have them so tight, so flexed that I couldn't move or breathe. It was a consistent "tensed" feeling that I tried to maintain. MAN-O-MAN, WHAM-BLAM-A-JAMA!!! That about sums up the workout today.
Keep Focused, Stay Focused!
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Day 50 - Recovery Week Ooops
This week's entry's are going to be relatively short due to this week is a very busy week at work and at home. My company is getting ready to release a new version of our Oilwell Logging Software and this means lots of over-time, staying late at the office, trips to our test site facility in Austin, etc....
I will try to give as much detail about my trials and tribulations of P90X this week.
I've been trying to do the "Doubles" workout sequence of P90X since Phase II. I'm proud to say that I've actually kept up with it. At first it was tough, working out twice in one day was something I've never done before. To help with the weights and from taking time away from my family's time when I'm at home. I've started using the weight gym at my work during my lunch time. I think of it as that I'm getting paid to workout (even though it's my lunch hour). I work out, shower, eat, then back at my seat before the next meeting starts. It's AWESOME!! With working out during lunch time, that allows me to do Cardio at night when I get home.
Well, today is Day One of the Recovery Week for Phase II. Except that I forgot today was recovery week and I ended up doing Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. OOOPS!!!
Or is it? Even though I'm suppose to be in Recovery Week, and I'm suppose to be taking a break from resistance training. I'm glad that I made this mistake. I had a great workout. On some exercises I've even had to go up in weight or will have to go up in weight next time, because I was able to perform 15 perfect form reps, with the ability to do 16. At this point, it's time to up the weights. So I've noted on my workout sheets which ones I need more weights on and which ones I'm still going strong on. This is also another reason why working out at my work's gym is a plus, they have a full set of weights incrementing by 5 lbs.
I love Phase II!!!! Not only because of the new moves and fresh new workouts, it's the MENU!!!! Pita's, Burrito's, Pasta, CARBS!!!! This phase had some delicious recipes. My favorite was the grilled chicken burrito and the grilled chicken pita. I even spiced up my own life by combining the recipes: The cucumber from the pita, the cilantro from the burrito, etc.. to make my own NEW FAVORITE recipe. I could eat it everyday (well, maybe not).
With the addition of the carbs into my diet and the extra cardio workout. The carbs couldn't have come at a better time. I haven't had the "bonk" or "wall" in my workouts because I follow the P90X menu. I've even incorporated some of MDB's personal meal plan recipes to change it up some.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Day 49 - Day of Cardio/Strech
Well, this day is the day of Rest for me according to "The Program."
But is resting Xtreme? No!!! So are we going to rest? No!!
What are we going to do? P90X!!
While I did want to take today easy, and let my body "cool down" from a hard week. I didn't want my last day of pre-recovery week Phase II to go out sitting. So I threw in some Cardio in the morning. It was a nice light workout that burned some calories and made my body feel fresh.
Today, it was family day. We went to church, went for a nice walk since the weather is great, and hung out with some friends for a nice bbq of chicken, vegtable kabobs and salad. It was great. Even though some had steak, potatoe salad, etc.. I didn't even blink. I didn't want to eat the "un-"healthy food. (Not that steak will EVER be unhealthy ;) ) It's that since doing this program, I've made new habits of making healthier decisions. I've made these choices over and over again to where now they're not choices, they're habits.
At the end of the day, I close this chapter of P90X with some X stretch. Stretching out all the troubles of the week, the soreness of muscles, the stress & tightness.
Just taking into account that my body is changing before my eyes to a physique that I haven't had in years and congratulate myself for making it this far in a program that is all about self-determination, self-motivation, and self-sacrifice.
Tomorrow is Recovery week and Count down to Day 60 Photo Results.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Day 48 - Kenpo Kid: The Sequel
These pictures put a whole new meaning on Kenpo X for me. Since the starting of P90X, my son has loved to do Yoga and Kenpo with me. Before bed every night he asks if he can do yoga-kenpo. Well, a few days ago was Halloween, and guess what my son wanted to go as??? That's right!!!
Since there are no "kenpo" costumes, we found the next best thing. A Ninja Costume. It fits him perfect, and it is completely "him". He made the more perfect ninja. He is soooo smart too, he incorporated some yoga moves and made them his own "Ninja Moves". It was very hilarious and made me so proud. And being today is Kenpo for Me, I thought it was appropriate to post pictures of my little "Kenpo Ninja".
Kenpo today was great! I stayed with the gang like I always do. My balance has increased the past couple of weeks. I did all the combination kicks without letting my kicking foot re-touch the floor. I had my Kenpo Gloves on as usual, and got a great workout, as usual.
My left hamstring is/was still a little bit stiff yesterday's leg workout, so just as I did yesterday, I increased the cool down stretch time to have more time to do acouple more stretches on my legs. I never want to have to Frankenstein walk ever again. That week hurt.
I've noticed that with all the plyo, kenpo, core, and cardio that comes in this program, I've noticed that my knees are getting a bashing. They're starting to alittle pain in them from time to time. They crackle more than they use to, but it might be from me getting old. (hahah, I'm only 28). But it's starting to concern me; you see all these people that are in the old age and can't walk cause of knee problems. I don't want to have to chase my grandkids around in a scooter, or those walkers w/ the tennis balls on the legs cause I didn't take care of my knees.
I'm pushing my body pretty hard, and I think now it's starting to push back. I'm going to invest in some Glucosamine or the likes for my recovery week and phase III. It suppose to help the ligaments and joints.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Day 47 - Legs To Die For!
Friday FINALLY!! Good, Great, Awesome, Can't Be Beat Friday!!! As you can tell, I'm pretty happy about it being Friday. Not because it's the weekend tomorrow, it's because:
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Day 46 - Yoga
Nothing to end a long day of sitting and working than to stretch out and work my "inner" self.
I think today was my best Yoga workout (if you can call it a workout). Since the start of P90X, yoga put me in some painful and uncomfortable positions that I could barely even do. Each time, I became alittle more and more flexible, alittle bit more and more relaxed, and my inner body became stronger each and every time.
Today, all I did was BREATHE! I was the most relaxed during this workout than I've been. The positions just seem to lock into place. I didn't focus on my balance, it just happened. I didn't focus on my flexibility, it just happened. I didn't focus on the time, it just passed on by.
I think the key this time was that I turned off the volume to the DVD, and put in some meditation music. I've been through the workout enough to "kinda know" what's coming next, so I just used Tony's changes in form to queue me to change.
There were/are still some positions that I cannot do YET, and there are some moves I have to modify so that I take care of my left shoulder. Alot of those moves are the poses were the right hand is on the ground, and the left one is stretching up and back. Those positions put mine/your rotator cuff in the fully open position, and if my muscles are fatigued or weak or pushed to far, my shoulder has a susceptibility of popping out. Which is NOT on my list of things to do. So I just put my left arm on my side/hip and try to open up my chest as much as possible.
Also, it was just me in the room. No son running around, no dog, no TV on the background. No outside noise.
It was great.
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.