Friday FINALLY!! Good, Great, Awesome, Can't Be Beat Friday!!! As you can tell, I'm pretty happy about it being Friday. Not because it's the weekend tomorrow, it's because:
While this business trip has been fun, and I was able to "BRING IT!" each and every day in my hotel room and not have security come get me after a round of Plyo, I'm ready to go home. I get to see my wife, my son, my own bed, and my workout room!!!!
Well, I'm home. Made it safe and sound. Gave the son a BIG BIG hug, the wife a kiss, and the dog a rub on the head. Now It's PUSH PLAY TIME!!!
Legs were alittle stiff after driving and sitting for 3.5 hours, so I made the stretching portion before and after the workout alittle longer. My left hamstring has been alittle bit tighter this week so I thought alittle bit more extra care would do me better.
Now for the workout:
I don't know what I ate, drank or did. But, I killed it today on pullups. I added at least +1 or +2 NO CHAIR, TOTALLY ALL ON MY OWN pullups on each pull up exercise. I think because I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express it gave me more power (remember those commercials on tv?).
Using my #'s from week 6, I start off doing as many pull-ups on my own, and then when I cannot go any farther, I stick a leg on the chair to burnout till failure. This week, MAN-O-MAN, if I had 3 wide grip is week 6, I had 4 this week. I had nine switch grips last week, I had 10 this week. Each time, I did +1, it got me more pumped up to do it again on the next exercise, and on the next exercise. My goal was to do at least +1 OMO (on my own) pullups before reaching for the chair. I didn't care if my overall total reps went down, it's that I made up for it by doing more pullups OMO.
Ex. Week 6: 3 omo / 11 total
Week 7: 4 omo / 10 total
I also intensified the leg workout as well. My hands were attached to my 15# DB's through the entire legs portion of this workout. That was the weight were I could stay w/ Tony, not overload or cause pain my my shoulders/arms, and intensify my workout to get that little extra that will help me to the "next level".
Since my trials of taking P90X on the road are over, I would like to comment on how it worked for me.
With the aid of my green band and my dvd's, I received a workout just as good as I would have at my own house or gym. With some modifications by using the green band loop method to increase/decrease resistance, and the fact that I had to use the "door hinge" method of securing my band during pull-ups/downs, I was able to get the burn, resistance, pump, etc.. that my DB's give me.
However, I would like to add that while the green band sufficed, sometimes it was WAY too much resistance or sometimes too little resistance. If someone was to travel alot and/or cannot afford solid DB's or don't want to waste their time w/ those twist lock DB's, a complete set of bands, which come in three sets: 3 bands-15 to 30lb, 3 bands - 20 to 40lb, or 10 bands.
All-in-All, the P90X system is completely portable, do-able, and achieveable in your on the road constantly. All you need is "fight" mentality to fight the temptation(Flight syndrome) of slacking and using your travels as an excuse to fly away from staying fit and healthy
I'll be back tomorrow pushing play.
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